things in the air

Two weeks ago, I fell off the face of the internet.  I’m still not quite sure why; I just haven’t been able to string enough words together to make something coherent.

Also, much of what I’ve been crocheting is under wraps for a few more weeks.  And my camera’s been acting up recently.

As a gesture of goodwill, here is a godawful thing I made out of godawful yarn.   (The more I work with it, the more I am convinced that it is 100% genuine My Little Pony hair. )

(not yet) felted pink slipper

I used this pattern… mostly… but then I improvised some.  (I can’t help it, it’s what I do.)  And I also totally screwed up that seam on the instep.  So please don’t blame them for how bad mine is.

And of course, I always screw up the first one of anything, but I see how it’s made, and get a little practice.  The next one always turns out really well.  I just have to remember that when buying enough yarn for a project.

But I inherited a freakin’ PILE of this crap yarn, so if I can get the hang of the pattern, I have big plans.

More to come…

-dontfeedthetiki (loves finding the ridiculous potential uses for godawful things like this)

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